Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ewww, gross. Avocados.

Oh, the perils of being pregnant. My big victory for this month? Finally finding maternity underwear. Who thought it would be so difficult.

I will post more later.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 14... Thank God it's the 2nd trimester

Perhaps I can start to feel normal again?!?

We decided in favor of the preliminary Down Syndrome testing, though we expressed that we are very against the amniocentesis. So they took a little blood, a few pictures and we called it a day.

Until I got a call just after we returned from vacation (Loved TN - see Facebook for my pics!). The nurse said that the doctor was concerned about our tests, could I come in today?


"Is it serious," I asked her. "It may just put your pregnancy into high risk," she said.

So for that hour before our appointment, I was freaking out. Long story short, we have a 1 in 44 chance of having a baby with Downs. Translation? We have a 98% chance of having a normal baby.

This was the big emergency? Aren't doctors supposed to keep mothers calm.

So, another ultrasound to verify that the baby is OK, and many more months to go.
