Sunday, February 28, 2010

What's that smell? Cabbage? Fruit punch?

One thing on my checklist? Explaining to Matt that when I have a sudden craving - for anything - it's not wise to buy it in bulk.

The reason for this has become evident by the softer-than-usual, browning oranges on our table.

And, even though I'm pregnant, it's still not wise to eat candy bars at 7 a.m.

I've also begun to smell random weird smells when/where there shouldn't be those smells! What is that?!?

Today, it's as though I've been on an all night drinking binge. I'm sure I haven't (although I've been known to sleep walk) and can't get enough sleep.

At least there's a small reprieve from nausea.

Still forcing myself to eat what I can, including rice, juice, rice, a thin mint, V8 and rice.

That's been my entire weekend. And yes, I realize that all I've been doing is bitching. I'm okay with that, for now. As soon as I start to feel the glow of pregnancy, then I'll start posing for the Demi Moore-like photos. Until then, you're lucky if you'll see me shower this weekend.

(And by see me shower, I don't mean physically see me showering, because that wouldn't be lucky at all. I mean, I smell. Kinda. Maybe that's the weird smells!)

Friday, February 26, 2010

I've got big boobs, and I cannot lie

So here's the downside to being pregnant and already having size 'D' breasts.

They. Get. Bigger.

I am going into my 8th week, and already my breasts are struggling to fit into my regular tops. I am wearing a maternity shirt today.

I've convinced myself this is OK, however, because I have big boobs and at least I'm not wearing maternity pants.

At least not yet.

Also, I think a little pee may have come out when I sneezed. In my defense, it was a powerful 3x sneeze.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to make.... yourself tired.

I was thinking today that I could make my own baby food and start sewing some baby clothes.

That made me tired just thinking about it.

So, I stopped. But I'm curious - how difficult would it be to make your own baby food? I really, truly love the convenience of the jars. Do they sell jars that small so I can jar/can my own?

Forget that whole sewing thing. That just sounds hard. I can't even figure out how to repair the hem on my dress pants.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oooh, damn. That looks like it hurt.

Selfishly, I just made Matt watch a video of a vaginal birth.

He should be prepared anyway.

I asked if he'd ever seen a video like that, if he knew what to expect.

He said no.

I made him keep watching.

He didn't say much after that.

Ah, the glow of pregnancy.... eventually

My back hurts. My boobs feel like a bolt of lightning keeps striking them. I'm fat. I'm bloated. I'm tired. I'm sick. I'm moody.

Uh, when does the glorious pregnancy glow begin?

After our ultrasound appointment Monday, we had made for us another appointment on Friday and another one a week and a half after that.

I don't remember this many appointments with G. Of course, had I experienced this many appointments with G, I may have had a more normal pregnancy.

I asked what Friday's appointment with the nurse was for. Family history, again. Do's and dont's, again. Lecture about prenatal vitamins, again.

Why is this necessary, again?

The tell me it's required. Because the need to get as much money from us and the insurance company, and the only way they can do this, they say, is to make as many pointless appointments as they can so it looks good for the books.

Okay, they didn't say that. They probably should have, but they didn't.

My happy thought lately? Puppy's face when he realized the heart he was hearing beating at our appointment on Monday was that of his own child's.

My next happy thought? The fact that he was even there. :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Officially, I'm official

Official stage: 6 weeks, 4 days
Official due date: October 14, 2010 (though we're hoping for 10/10/10)
Official heartbeat: 122 strong beats per minute (we heard it!)
Official picture!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Don't touch me. I'll puke. I'm hungry.

Nausea. That is the word of the day/week/just over a month.

I came home the other day just sick, sick, I tell you. I had two rice cakes, and that's pretty much all I remember. I believe I fell asleep for a while. Puppy cooked G's dinner.

He tries to help. He asked if there was anything he could do to make me feel better. Carry the baby? No? Fine then. I think a foot massage could suffice.

Then, about 5 minutes into an enjoyable foot massage, I couldn't get him to stop fast enough. I believe there was a sharp "Don't touch me!!!" thrown in there. Poor guy was really confused at that point.

The next morning, he was making G's lunch (this is not a pregnancy thing - this is an every day thing. I love it!) and decided to make me a salad for lunch using the chicken from the leftover KFC that week. I was not aware of this good deed so instead, I walked in and caught a whiff of the chicken and went on and on about "dear God what is that smell?" and "did someone's ass explode sulfur in here" and that sort of thing.

Apparently, the smell of chicken did not sit well with me that morning. And the poor guy was just trying to make a salad.

Thank God because later that day, I couldn't eat it fast enough.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pregnant woman gives up lunch to save child...

I am making it a point to eat healthy. I've started drinking more water (more in comparison to what I used to drink, which was basically none) and I get soup and salad at lunch instead of burgers and fries.

To my chagrin, I still feel like the largest woman in the world.

So today for lunch, I stop and purchase myself a semi-health Greek salad. Yum. Oh, wait. Apparently, I cannot eat soft cheeses, such as Feta, so I give the salad to a co-worker, and I'm sitting here eating plain pita chips.

Wipe the look off your face. I will go in a bit to get a salad. Trust me - lately, not eating is not an option. I feel like I'd eat an entire cow if it'd fit in my mouth.

And why do I feel like I'm falling asleep at the wheel every time I drive?

Please tell me, at 4-5 weeks, there was/is someone that felt/feels the same agony.

Monday, February 15, 2010

It begins with drama, and it will end in drama

So, I guess the first day was not week 6. Allow me to explain.

Matt and I went to our first doctor's appointment, which lasted several hours. We had the whole entire life's review of medical and otherwise, urine tests, and our first ultrasound. (Transvaginal. If you have to look that up, you don't want to know.)

There was some concern on behalf of the nurse. Apparently she was alarmed at the size. She asked if perhaps we were off on the first day of my last period. Sure, it's possible. By a few days, maybe.

She, however, was not thinking a few days... she was thinking a few weeks. Now, I'm a woman who rarely keeps track of those things down to the minute, but I do have a neato little app on my iPod that keeps track of my periods for me. So there is NO way I was off by a few weeks.

So after the ultrasound, we meet with the OB/GYN again. She is concerned about the size, and wants to measure the 48-hour increase of my HCG levels.

"What is the concern if the levels aren't where you want them in 48 hours," I ask.

"We will then be concerned about an ectopic pregnancy."

I almost cried. I just found out I'm pregnant less than a week ago and already I have to deal with this?

So we visit the lab for a blood test. I return 48 hours later (I was exact on that. I wasn't messing around) to be tested again. This was at noon. I couldn't even get my test results until around 3 pm that day.

Of course, when I called exactly at 3 pm, they did not have the test results. They were in my doctor's hands, however, after repeated calls every half hour and my breaking down and yelling at the nurse to "get her ass down there and get the results!" That may seem a bit extreme, but this was serious!

I am now sitting here, a few days later, still pregnant. The HCG levels were perfect, and we will be returning for a second ultrasound next Monday. This is when we will more accurately know the approximate due date, other than "about 8-9 months from now."

By the way, since my only child is 10-years-old, I forgot how uncomfortable pregnancy is. I feel bloated, fat, gassy, bitchy, tired, and I have to pee all the time.

I'm only about 4 weeks pregnant. I still have 8 months to go!

The first day, otherwise known as Week 6

No. We were not planning; we were not expecting. And, we were unaware.

Most months, my period is right on time. There have been those few months where I've been a few days late, take a test, and of course it's negative.

By the way, I hate those women who say "I just knew." I didn't know with G. I had absolutely no clue. I may have the second time around, but perhaps I was in denial.

For two weeks, I knew I'd start. I felt the cramping, the bloating, the mood swings, the achy boobs. I now know, these are signs of one of TWO things.

I'm pregnant. I'm scared. He's scared. We weren't exactly prepared. We're a week away from celebrating 2 years. Of course, not 2 years of being married, because we weren't ready for that. (Read that last sentence with as much sarcasm as you can possible muster.)

I took the first test. As soon as my urine hit the stick, I watched it move across the window. There would be no 5-minute wait necessary. I could see the results immediately.

Same with the second test last night. And the third this morning.

I haven't told anyone in my family.

We haven't told G (my 10-year-old son) yet, but he's no dummy. He knows something's up. We haven't told anyone in his family yet. This weekend will be the weekend.

Most would wait until the threat of miscarriage passes. Personally, I just want to get this over with.