Sunday, February 28, 2010

What's that smell? Cabbage? Fruit punch?

One thing on my checklist? Explaining to Matt that when I have a sudden craving - for anything - it's not wise to buy it in bulk.

The reason for this has become evident by the softer-than-usual, browning oranges on our table.

And, even though I'm pregnant, it's still not wise to eat candy bars at 7 a.m.

I've also begun to smell random weird smells when/where there shouldn't be those smells! What is that?!?

Today, it's as though I've been on an all night drinking binge. I'm sure I haven't (although I've been known to sleep walk) and can't get enough sleep.

At least there's a small reprieve from nausea.

Still forcing myself to eat what I can, including rice, juice, rice, a thin mint, V8 and rice.

That's been my entire weekend. And yes, I realize that all I've been doing is bitching. I'm okay with that, for now. As soon as I start to feel the glow of pregnancy, then I'll start posing for the Demi Moore-like photos. Until then, you're lucky if you'll see me shower this weekend.

(And by see me shower, I don't mean physically see me showering, because that wouldn't be lucky at all. I mean, I smell. Kinda. Maybe that's the weird smells!)

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