Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pregnant woman gives up lunch to save child...

I am making it a point to eat healthy. I've started drinking more water (more in comparison to what I used to drink, which was basically none) and I get soup and salad at lunch instead of burgers and fries.

To my chagrin, I still feel like the largest woman in the world.

So today for lunch, I stop and purchase myself a semi-health Greek salad. Yum. Oh, wait. Apparently, I cannot eat soft cheeses, such as Feta, so I give the salad to a co-worker, and I'm sitting here eating plain pita chips.

Wipe the look off your face. I will go in a bit to get a salad. Trust me - lately, not eating is not an option. I feel like I'd eat an entire cow if it'd fit in my mouth.

And why do I feel like I'm falling asleep at the wheel every time I drive?

Please tell me, at 4-5 weeks, there was/is someone that felt/feels the same agony.


  1. I can't say that I felt agony with my pregnancy, but even if I did, in 8 months or so, when you see my super cute neice or nephew, you'll forget everything. :o) And just an FYI, I had the same dilemma with feta cheese. I did learn, however, that you CAN have feta, if you are able to read the label and verify that it is made with pastuerized milk (you'll see in the ingredients). But even so, I limited the amount that I ate. Just remember, you're not supposed to eat lunch meat or hotdogs either...I know, it will be horrific for you to give up your daily hotdog. :o)
