Monday, February 15, 2010

It begins with drama, and it will end in drama

So, I guess the first day was not week 6. Allow me to explain.

Matt and I went to our first doctor's appointment, which lasted several hours. We had the whole entire life's review of medical and otherwise, urine tests, and our first ultrasound. (Transvaginal. If you have to look that up, you don't want to know.)

There was some concern on behalf of the nurse. Apparently she was alarmed at the size. She asked if perhaps we were off on the first day of my last period. Sure, it's possible. By a few days, maybe.

She, however, was not thinking a few days... she was thinking a few weeks. Now, I'm a woman who rarely keeps track of those things down to the minute, but I do have a neato little app on my iPod that keeps track of my periods for me. So there is NO way I was off by a few weeks.

So after the ultrasound, we meet with the OB/GYN again. She is concerned about the size, and wants to measure the 48-hour increase of my HCG levels.

"What is the concern if the levels aren't where you want them in 48 hours," I ask.

"We will then be concerned about an ectopic pregnancy."

I almost cried. I just found out I'm pregnant less than a week ago and already I have to deal with this?

So we visit the lab for a blood test. I return 48 hours later (I was exact on that. I wasn't messing around) to be tested again. This was at noon. I couldn't even get my test results until around 3 pm that day.

Of course, when I called exactly at 3 pm, they did not have the test results. They were in my doctor's hands, however, after repeated calls every half hour and my breaking down and yelling at the nurse to "get her ass down there and get the results!" That may seem a bit extreme, but this was serious!

I am now sitting here, a few days later, still pregnant. The HCG levels were perfect, and we will be returning for a second ultrasound next Monday. This is when we will more accurately know the approximate due date, other than "about 8-9 months from now."

By the way, since my only child is 10-years-old, I forgot how uncomfortable pregnancy is. I feel bloated, fat, gassy, bitchy, tired, and I have to pee all the time.

I'm only about 4 weeks pregnant. I still have 8 months to go!

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