Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ah, the glow of pregnancy.... eventually

My back hurts. My boobs feel like a bolt of lightning keeps striking them. I'm fat. I'm bloated. I'm tired. I'm sick. I'm moody.

Uh, when does the glorious pregnancy glow begin?

After our ultrasound appointment Monday, we had made for us another appointment on Friday and another one a week and a half after that.

I don't remember this many appointments with G. Of course, had I experienced this many appointments with G, I may have had a more normal pregnancy.

I asked what Friday's appointment with the nurse was for. Family history, again. Do's and dont's, again. Lecture about prenatal vitamins, again.

Why is this necessary, again?

The tell me it's required. Because the need to get as much money from us and the insurance company, and the only way they can do this, they say, is to make as many pointless appointments as they can so it looks good for the books.

Okay, they didn't say that. They probably should have, but they didn't.

My happy thought lately? Puppy's face when he realized the heart he was hearing beating at our appointment on Monday was that of his own child's.

My next happy thought? The fact that he was even there. :)

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