Thursday, July 22, 2010

7 months today

Yes. I know. I haven't blogged. Here's the sitch-eww-ay-shon.

We have no computer connection downstairs. Only upstairs, where there is no air conditioning. So, since it's been the hottest summer on record (what a great time to get pregnant!) I have an hour or so in the AM then in the PM, if I'm still awake, to get everything done.

Also, during this time I must job search. Yep. Seven months pregnant today and I lost my job this month. Figures.

So, for your information:
1) She is still a girl
2) She is slowly bruising all of my innards with her constant kicking
3) After 5 ultrasounds, we finally got all the measurements we needed. She's fine.
4) Total weight gain at 7 months: 16 pounds
5) Summer is the worst, worst time to be pregnant
6) Most of my family aren't coming to the baby shower because they suck/have been banned/refuse to attend/etc.

I'm not sure we're any closer to a name. Not that we really talk about it. The conversation usually goes something like....

Text from me to M: Hey, what about Madeline?
Text from M to me: Nice. I'm gonna be late tonight.

Awesome. Also, Lola is out, Layla is out, and so we're for now we're stuck with Princess Peach. Now, I don't remember what the application for the birth certificate looks like, but I'm pretty sure they're aren't enough boxes in which to fit "Princess Peach" as a first name.

1 comment:

  1. Why is Layla out? I like Layla. Not that it matters, but we def have the same taste when it comes to G. ;o) I have a baby name book, do you want to borrow it?? I'm never going to find another girls name that we both like, so we're only going to have boys from now on. lol.
